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  • Writer's pictureSally McCutchion

Is Hard Work The Secret To Productivity?

Updated: Aug 27

My latest article challenges the effectiveness of hard work not just on our wellbeing, but on our productivity. 

Here's an excerpt from the article: 

Back in 2018, I created a podcast series called Messages From My Younger Self. 

It was a spin on the common question that's asked in interviews about what advice you'd give your younger self. 

Scratch that, I thought. 

Isn't it more interesting to reflect on what your younger self might say to you? 

Afterall, your younger self is the most natural and spontaneous version of you, you'll ever be... 

Playing, connecting, expressing your emotions, dreaming, embracing excitement, being curious, asking questions, seeking out love, caring, smiling and resting. 

When we consider the benefits of hard work through a childlike lens, it’s obvious that hard work should be balanced with play, curiosity and more importantly than anything, time. 

And yet, in business and many other parts of life we subscribe to a narrative around hard work that’s way more perpetual. 

We’ve created a story about hard work that’s been dominated by the pursuit of high achievement. 

…And naturally, there’s a place for this kind of driven, disciplined and directed hard work. 

But this kind of hard work is not the only way. 

Shifting the narrative around hard work to include a more open, inclusive and balanced picture of what success, productivity and purpose really look like is an important part of being a leader of the future. 


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